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Chaves é casado com dona Florinda, que foi namorada de Quico, que brigou com Chaves, assim como Chiquinha. De tanto fumar, seu Madruga e a Bruxa do 71 morreram de câncer do pulmão.
"A mim já mataram umas quatro ou cinco vezes. Não sei porquê. Embora isso hoje aconteça um pouco menos(...)"(Chaves)
postado por Chateau | 8:34 PM | 6 comments
sábado, março 25, 2006
Bored? Listless? Help is at hand!
Pass away the pointless hours with our list of things to do when you're bored
Watch TV, repeat everything said in Italian accent
(Amusement Potential: 5-10 minutes)
Sort of entertaining. Include flamboyant shoulder shrugs for added impact, or go for a Marlon Brando set of grunts.
Send spooky emails
(Amusement Potential: 15-60 minutes)
Look up someone's CV on the web, do some research on them via Google and then send them an email full of personal references claiming to be an ex-work colleague who fell in love with their shoes. Or something.
Have a "Who is less competitive" competition
wonder (Amusement Potential: 1-3 minutes)
Trying to win at this will make you lose. Trying to lose makes you win which makes you lose. Not trying at all makes you lose which makes you win which makes you lose.
Try and sound Welsh
(Amusement Potential: 1-3 minutes)
The key to sounding Welsh is to make sure that your voice goes up at the end of the sentence, so that everything sounds like a question. Throw in a superfluous 'isn't it?' at the end of everything you say and you're halfway there. Isn't it?
DISCLAIMER: Obviously, a lot of these suggestions are really dumb things to do, so don't take them seriously.
And whatever you do, don't be as stupid as this halfwit from New Jersey who mailed us this: "we attempted your ''water drinkning contest'' we drank 48oz of water each in about 7 min, and 3 seconds later we were puking uncontrollably all over the kitchen. how dare you put this on your web site its very dangerous and health dangering. legal action may take place sinc you have no warnings on your site explaing you are not responsible for out comes of ''usuless gamess' or the possible risks. please contact me back so we can settle this matter with out involving the law. "
postado por Chateau | 8:41 PM | 1 comments
quarta-feira, março 08, 2006CSI
ontem tocou radiohead no CSI L.A.
postado por Chateau | 11:09 AM | 1 comments
quinta-feira, fevereiro 16, 2006Courtroom Quotations
# Lawyer: "And lastly, Gary, all your responses must be oral. Ok? What school do you go to?"
# Witness: "Oral."
# Lawyer: "How old are you?"
# Witness: "Oral."
postado por Chateau | 9:15 PM | 2 comments
quarta-feira, dezembro 21, 2005Froid
Très froid en france. London City, ai vamos nos!
postado por Chateau | 9:23 PM | 1 comments
quinta-feira, dezembro 08, 2005Vou viajar!!!
Minha viagem vem chegando, e por isso eu vou fazer uma festinha de despedida com a ana no caribe, sexta-feira umas 11h. (AUGUSTA X ANTONIA DE QUEIROS). Apareçam lá, hein!?
postado por Chateau | 4:18 PM | 0 comments
quinta-feira, novembro 10, 2005
Três horas e meia no shopping eldorado! Deus, que martírio!
postado por Chateau | 6:15 PM | 0 comments